Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Jorg is the best dog from all the litters! He was easily trained and so in a curly fur coat.
~Jessica and Adam

Friday, July 24, 2009


Lady Eliza of DebIntyre~LIZZIE

Mother of ten precious Goldendoodle puppies


LILY getting her walk in...even in bad weather!

When it was too cold to walk I would tell her to come and walk. First time I had to hold her. after that she would walk up on the track all by herself. This way we both got in our walk. She is the greatest traveler, loves the water. She stands still for me to do whatever I need to do to her, give her a bath, clip toenails, clean ears or whatever.
I have had so many compliments of how beautiful she is and how friendly she is. I am certainly enjoying her.



We are enjoying Max. The kids really love him. We really have been working with his commands and he is doing really well. He is a cuddler and loves to get attention!! The kids run around the house and play "hide and seek" with him. We couldn't imagine our house without him.


He goes everywhere we go. The groomer said that she has never seen a goldendoodle as gentle as him. He is the best and we just love him. We just want to thank you for allowing us to have one of your great puppies.


I took OSKAR to the vet today and he has already gained 13lbs. he got a clean bill of health, and a couple of shots. He was a very well-behaved puppy. Thanks again for such a great puppy. We love him lots.


precious babies